Muspelheim and Niflheim-the lands of fire and ice…




“Thaw and Frost. Muspel and Nifl. Their names are derived from Muspelheim and Niflheim-the lands of fire and ice respectively in Norse mythology.

Two guardian spirits, brothers, watch over the cycle of water in our world. Where Nifl walks the water condenses, turns solid and becomes ice and snow. Muspel follows closely after, his path melting the ice to turn back into water, evaporating it, causing steam and clouds to drift skyward in his wake.

The presence of both tigers ensures the eternal presence of liquid water in our world, our most valuable source of life. In order to sustain this delicate yet important balance they share a mutual reliance on the other.

Despite this however they are highly competitive and fiercely territorial. Certain parts of our world are predominately the terrority of Nifl, while others are governed by the presence of Muspel. Fights over dominance are reflected in the state of our world’s climate, ever shifting and as unpredictable as the spirits’ tempers.

In the end, neither truly wins, nor loses. And as the world cycles through night and day their battle continues to rage beneath the surface of our water.”



Title: Off-White: Thaw and Frost by Artist: Vyrilien @

from “Contest Entry ‘Off-white’