‘The Myth of “Elemental Dragons ‘



‘The Myth of “Elemental Dragons’ 

Regarding Draconic Magic

(I do like this page/site and recommend it for anyone even a little interested in Draconic Magic; See bottom of article for the direct link)

By J’Karrah, 2005

“I always have to laugh when I hear people talking about “elemental” Dragons as if they were actual species variants. And it makes me wonder if the people who spout this information have ever actually *met* a Dragon. Personally, I doubt it. There simply is no such thing as an “elemental” Dragon. People have too often confused the magical affiliation of specific Dragons with the habitat in which they live. For example, there is a big difference between a Dragon who works with the elemental properties of water, and a Dragon who makes his or her home near the sea.

The game “Dungeons and Dragons,” and the book “Dancing With Dragons” are the primary perpetrators of this continued proliferation of misinformation.

As with human magic workers, different Dragons can have an affinity for different elemental energies. Just as you don’t have “elemental humans” you don’t have “elemental Dragons…” you simply have those who prefer to work with the energies of one element over another. Sometimes, you will find a Dragon who works equally well with all elemental energies and other times you’ll find one who couldn’t tell a salamander from an undine.

Whenever you hear someone talking about “elemental Dragons,” those that embody the forces of a particular Element, most likely they are either confusing the mage with the magic, or they are seeing an elemental critter in draconic form… 9 times out of 10 by simple virtue of their own preconceived notions…. Or they are confusing alchemical associations of draconic energies with actual Dragons.

The common metaphysical representations of each element are: Fire- the Salamander; Water- the Undine; Air- the Zephyer; Earth- the Gnome.

In my magical dealing with Dragons over the course of the past 20 years, I have worked with a wide variety of them and have established close working relationships with several. In ritual, when calling the “Dragons of the Quarters,” you are asking for a willing Dragon who is proficient with the energies of a particular element to watch over and direct the elemental energies associated with that particular quarter/direction. You are not calling on, for example a “fire Dragon” to guard the south, you are calling on the assistance of a Dragon who works primarily with the energies associated with the element of Fire. See the difference?

If you are new to working magically with Dragons, at first you will probably get several different Dragons standing in as Quarter Guards each time you cast a circle. Eventually, you may find that the same four are answering your call each time (you’ll be able to tell by the “feel” of the energy each brings). If/when this happens, you can either wait until the Dragon chooses to reveal his or her name, or you can choose a name by which you will call each one (don’t worry, if you pick a name the Dragon doesn’t like, you’ll know!). Many Dragons actually prefer to work this latter way, taking the name you choose for them as a gift. In either case, you can then substitute those names for the phrases “One who is willing” and “Great ______ Dragon” at the appropriate quarter.

To get the greatest benefit when working with Dragons you must always remember to set aside any preconceived notions you might have about Dragons and their ways of working magic. Dragons cannot be easily pigeon-holed into neat little compartments. They are as individual as humans are, and their talents, associations, abilities, and methods are as varied and diverse as the stars above.

Work with them in all their diversity rather than try to force them into narrowly defined patterns of behavior and you will have a much richer, more rewarding experience than you could ever have imagined.”

Source: http://ebon-dragon.com/cotd/elemental_dragons.html




Art title: ‘Blue Dragon.’ by artist:  Amisgaudi @ http://www.deviantart.com/art/Blue-Dragon-138136026

The Elements, an Eastern approach; What does it mean to you?



The Elements, an Eastern approach; What does it mean to you? 


An interesting topic is the difference between the Western traditions Elements and The Eastern Elements with their philosophies.

In the Eastern Traditions, there are 5 elements that are from Taoism. Taoist cosmology is based on the beliefs of the School of Naturalists.

In this spirit, the universe is seen as being in a constant process of re-creating itself, as everything that exists is a mere aspect of Qi, which, “condensed, becomes life; diluted, it is indefinite potential”(1). Qi is in a perpetual transformation between its condensed and diluted state. These two different states of Qii, on the other hand, are embodiment of the abstract entities of yin and yang, two complementary extremes that constantly play against and with each other and can not exist without the other.

Human beings are seen as a microcosm of the universe, and for example comprise the Five Elements in form of the zang-fu organs. “Zang and fu consist of the 5 zang and 6 fu organs.”(2)  As a consequence, it is believed that deeper understanding of the universe can be achieved by understanding oneself.


(refer to original source-3)“Wuxing (Wu-hsing) 

The Chinese term wuxing (wu-hsing, “five processes” or “five phases”) refers to a fivefold conceptual scheme that is found throughout traditional Chinese thought.  These five phases are wood (mu), fire (huo), earth (tu), metal (jin), and water (shui); they are regarded as dynamic, interdependent modes or aspects of the universe’s ongoing existence and development.    Although this fivefold scheme resembles ancient Greek discourse about the four elements, these Chinese “phases” are seen as ever-changing material forces, while the Greek elements typically are regarded as unchanging building blocks of matter.  Prior to the Han dynasty, wuxing functioned less as a school of thought and more as a way of describing natural processes hidden from ordinary view.  During the period of the Han dynasty (202 B.C.E.-220 C.E.), wuxing thought became a distinct philosophical tradition (jia, “family” or “school”).  Since that time, the wuxing system has been applied to the explanation of natural phenomena and extended to the description of aesthetic principles, historical events, political structures, and social norms, among other things.  Cosmology, morality, and medicine remain the chief arenas of wuxing thought, but virtually every aspect of Chinese life has been touched by it.  As such, wuxing has come to be inseparable from Chineseness itself and belongs to no single stream of classical Chinese philosophy.”(3)


(refer to original source-4)”Wood Element   

Archetype: The Pioneer and Strategist/Directing

Wood Element Chinese 5 ElementsIt is yang/masculine in character. The predominant attributes are considered to be strength and flexibility, as with bamboo. It is also associated with qualities of generosity and idealism. One quality of the Wood element is leadership. It is the leader within us, that can take charge and determine a plan of action. The wood is one that seeks always to grow and expand. Wood heralds the beginning of life, springtime and buds, sensuality and fecundity.

Wood type people are often aggressive or assertive, direct, and can have a strong temper and a lot of drive. They are usually outgoing and socially conscious and can be insensitive.  The Wood element is associated with negative feelings of anger, and positive feelings of patience and altruism.

Fire Element

Archetype: The Wizard and Socializer/Marketing

Fire Element Chinese 5 ElementsFire is yang/masculine in character, its direction is upward and its energy is expansive. In Chinese thought Fire is associated with the qualities of dynamism, strength and persistence; however, it is also connected to restlessness. The fire element provides, warmth, enthusiasm and creativity, however an excess of it can bring aggression, impatience and impulsive behavior. In the same way, fire provides heat and warmth, however an excess can also burn. Fire is the Element responsible for the passionate resonance when you are following your life’s calling. It is the joy and laughter associated with playfulness. Fire type people are charming, fun, mischievous, easily excitable, and change emotional states rapidly. They love change, bright colorsand environments that stimulate.The negative emotion is hate, while its positive emotion is joy.

Earth Element

Archetype: The Mediator and Peacemaker/Human Resources

Earth Element Chinese 5 ElementsEarth is a balance of both yin and yang, the feminine and masculine together. Its motion is inward and centering, and its energy is stabilizing and conserving. It is associated with the turn of each of the seasons and with damp. In Chinese thought Earth is associated with the qualities of patience, thoughtfulness, practicality, hard work and stability. The earth element is also nurturing and seeks to draw all things together with itself, in order to bring harmony, rootedness and stability. Other attributes of the earth element include ambition, stubbornness, responsibility and long-term planning. On the shadow side, the earth element can represent selfishness and self-centeredness. Earth type people are usually warm, kind and supportive. They can be overprotective and tend to merge with their environment, having difficulties with boundaries. The negative emotion of the Earth element is worry and its positive emotion is empathy.

Metal Element

Archetype: The Alchemist and Judge/Organizing

Metal Element Chinese 5 ElementsMetal is yin/feminine in character, its motion is inwards and its energy is contracting.Metal represents the minerals, crystals, and gems of the world. The metal aspect is the diamond found within each one of us. It is similar to the Air Element found in western paradigms.  The Metal Element is the breath of life. When you are connected to that experience, you know your own self-worth.   You respect others and yourself; you are willing to give and receive acknowledgment for the magnificent being that you are.   The qualities associated with metal are unyieldingness, rigidity, persistence, strength and determination. Metal type people like minimalism. They are organized, clean, and contained. They can be controlling, ambitious, forceful and set in their ways as metal is very strong; and they are self-reliant and prefer to handle their problems alone.The negative emotion associated with metal is grief, while the positive emotion is courage.

Water Element

Archetype: The Philosopher and Thinker/Innovation

Water Element Chinese 5 ElementsWater is yin/feminine in character, its energy is downward and its motion is stillness and conserving.
In Chinese Taoist thought, water is representative of intelligence and wisdom, flexibility, softness and pliancy; however, an over-abundance of the element is said to cause difficulty in choosing something and sticking to it. In the same way, Water can be fluid and weak, but can also wield great power when it floods and overwhelms the land.

When your Water Element is in balance, you use your resources of energy, time, contacts, and money wisely, neither hoarding nor squandering that which gives you life.  Water is also the element of stillness and rest, taking time to rest and rejuvenate yourself. It is in the Water element that all great innovations and ideas are birthed.

Water type people appear a bit reserved, yet are often very creative, sometimes even eccentric. They can appear cool and stoic, yet have the capacities to be still and deeply reflect.     The negative emotion associated with water is fear, while the positive emotion is calmness.”(4)




(1) http://www.roadtofortworth.com/YY_ref.pdf  (Taoism- PDF)

(2)Wuxing (Wu-hsing) ( http://www.iep.utm.edu/wuxing/ (Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy; Peer reviewed academic resource; James Fieser, Ph.D., founder and general editor and Bradley Dowden, Ph.D., general editor)

(3) http://zangfu-omtcm.blogspot.de/ (Zang Fu TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE)

(4) http://www.innerjourneyseminars.com/the-five-elements.html (Michael Schiesser – Inner Journey Seminars) All pics from this blog are also from his original blog)




Art 1: “Wu Xing and the Cycle of Creation” by artist: JP-Talma @ http://jp-talma.deviantart.com/art/Wu-Xing-and-the-Cycle-of-Creation-316548011

Art 2: Elementalby blacher @ http://blacher.deviantart.com/art/Elemental-156113544







“If water derives lucidity



“If water derives lucidity from stillness,
how much more the faculties of the mind.
The mind of the sage, being in repose,
becomes the mirror of the universe,
a reflection of all creation.”

“Flow with whatever may happen, and let your mind be free: Stay centered by accepting whatever you are doing. This is the ultimate.”

“A path is made by walking on it.”

“Forget the years, forget distinctions. Leap into the boundless and make it your home!”

~ Chuang Tzu


Art title: “Mystic Dawning Reflections” by artist: octane2 @ http://www.deviantart.com/art/Mystic-Dawning-Reflections-425504579

Muspelheim and Niflheim-the lands of fire and ice…




“Thaw and Frost. Muspel and Nifl. Their names are derived from Muspelheim and Niflheim-the lands of fire and ice respectively in Norse mythology.

Two guardian spirits, brothers, watch over the cycle of water in our world. Where Nifl walks the water condenses, turns solid and becomes ice and snow. Muspel follows closely after, his path melting the ice to turn back into water, evaporating it, causing steam and clouds to drift skyward in his wake.

The presence of both tigers ensures the eternal presence of liquid water in our world, our most valuable source of life. In order to sustain this delicate yet important balance they share a mutual reliance on the other.

Despite this however they are highly competitive and fiercely territorial. Certain parts of our world are predominately the terrority of Nifl, while others are governed by the presence of Muspel. Fights over dominance are reflected in the state of our world’s climate, ever shifting and as unpredictable as the spirits’ tempers.

In the end, neither truly wins, nor loses. And as the world cycles through night and day their battle continues to rage beneath the surface of our water.”



Title: Off-White: Thaw and Frost by Artist: Vyrilien @http://delun.deviantart.com/art/Off-White-Thaw-and-Frost-253469930

from “Contest Entry ‘Off-white’